Shakotshanunyátha Doxtator

Shakotshanunyátha Doxtator


Shakotshanunyátha Doxtator

FNMI community:

On^yote:aká (Oneida Nation of the Thames)

Birth Year:



Lacrosse, hockey, basketball, running, boxing, and snowboarding


Liona Doxtator

Shakotshanunyátha never gives up, he shows confidence, and determination. He has strong self-discipline and is always smiling. His positive outlook makes him a great team player. He gives his teammates compliments and he carries a good mind in all sports he plays. Lastly, he’s not afraid to try new things and he adapts well in any new environment.

He respectfully spends his Monday nights learning On^yote:aka language, culture and customs from traditional knowledge holders and elders. He understands he has an individual role in our Longhouse, to make it stronger, and he takes his role seriously.

He has participated in the annual Oneida Fall Fair two mile race and was the youngest male to participate in it. His athleticism and participation in this event has encouraged other youth to participate. He boxes, he snowboards, he runs, he also is interested in the sciences. He will be attending the Canadian National Science Camp in August.

He loves to read and play the keyboard. He tries to utilize his time in a positive way, in turn showing others they can do the same.

His sports heroes are our Haudenosaunee lacrosse players that carry themselves in a good way, who promote Indigenous wellness as well as practice our culture.

“Norman is a positive athlete with a strong willingness to learn and improve his game. With the right guidance and proper environment, Norman has great potential to be an integral part of any team.” – Coach