Josee Filion

Josee Filion

My name is Josee Filion, I am 18 years old from Sudbury, Ontario. I have just graduated from Lockerby Composite School and will be attending Loyalist College in the fall to pursue nursing. One of my favourite activities is basketball which I am very passionate about. Basketball is one of the most important aspects of my life and it is how I started my journey with ISWO!

Josee joins ISWO as part of the 2019 Summer Staff Team and says, “working with ISWO is a great opportunity to combine sport along with my culture.”


Q: What is the role of sport/physical activity in your life? 

Sport allows me to be involved in my community whether it be coaching or playing. It gives me an outlet to step away from stress and have fun.


Q: How do you define wellness? 

Wellness to me is being healthy not just physically but in all aspects of your life. You may be physically healthy but your emotions and mental health play a big role in your overall wellness.


Q: What are the things you do each day that make you a ‘Wellness Warrior’? 

Some of the things I do each day that make me a Wellness Warrior is setting goals for myself. This means setting achievable goals in a day to get my body moving and putting myself in positive environments.


Q: Who or what is your inspiration? 

My inspiration is my mom because she puts all of her time and effort to make sure her family and others are happy and taken care of. She does all of this out of the kindness of her heart. This is something I achieve to be like since that is not easy at times.