Ambroise Stevens-Paquette
Ambroise Stevens-Paquette lives in Hanmer ON. She is 14 years old and attends 9th grade at École Secondaire L’Horizon in Val Caron ON. She is the daughter of award-winning francophone Singer/Songwriter/Artist Stef Paquette and a nurse practitioner mother who works at Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre in Sudbury ON. She has been doing Crossfit for only a year and a half now. She discovered this sport after watching the documentary “Fittest on Earth” on Netflix. She just completed her first “Open” competition finishing 20th (of 102 participants) in Canada and 196th (of 1460 participants) in the world! Having finished top 200 in the world, she qualifies to advance to the ‘online qualifiers’ that will take place in May. Ambroise is associated to the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation.
What is the role of physical activity in your life?
Physical Activity is my life! Never thought I’d be saying that as a 14-year-old girl, but, that’s where I’m at. I pretty much live in the gym when I’m not at school. My parents always refer to the gym as ‘daycare’, saying stuff like “Dad will be picking you up later at daycare”. Lol
How do you define wellness?
I define it as feeling great I guess, physically and mentally. I’m still a 14-year-old teen, so I like seeing my physical changes. But wellness should be the main goal for everyone as it is the foundation of everyday life.
What are the things you do each day that make you a ‘Wellness Warrior’?
Sacrifice I guess. I train 5 days a week, with two workouts a day twice a week. That’s in the gym at 5 am, then school, then back on the city bus to head back to the gym for 5 pm. I am also dedicated to my nutrition which is not always the easiest thing for a teen! I food prep for the week every Sunday. I guess like any ‘warrior’, it’s about dedication, discipline, resilience, sacrifice and most of all consistency! All things that help me succeed in school and in life, not only in the gym.
Who or what is your inspiration?
I’m a big Sara Sigmundsdóttir and Brooke Ence fan! Would love to meet them and train with them someday! I also take inspiration from my parents even though they are not ‘athletes’. They are go-getters! My mom went back to school as a single mom to become a nurse practitioner and my dad followed his dream and worked his butt off to be able to live as an artist. I don’t say it to them often, but that hardwork / dedication doesn’t go unnoticed and I’m sure as made me what I am today.