About ISWO

Indigenous Sport & Wellness Ontario (ISWO) is the designated Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sporting Body (P/TASB) for Ontario, serving all Indigenous Peoples across the province.

Primarily funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport, ISWO works to serve all Indigenous Peoples and communities, including First Nation, Inuit and Métis, across the province of Ontario, in an equitable and fair manner.

ISWO is an effective provincial body, with regional delivery systems, tailored programming, a culturally based framework, competitive and recreational sport opportunities, and leadership development initiatives for Indigenous youth and communities across Ontario. ISWO plans, delivers and supports dozens of programs, tournaments, workshops, and events for Indigenous youth across Ontario each year, including multi-sport, cultural and leadership camps, sport clinics, invitationals, championships, the the Ontario Summer Indigenous Games, youth leadership program, tryouts and skill development for Indigenous Team Ontario and the selection and delivery  of Team Ontario to the North American Indigenous Games.

ISWO believes that sport has the power to change lives, improve wellness, promote culture and provide opportunities for personal growth and community development, but knows that it cannot do it alone. ISWO strives to work with communities, organizations, and stakeholders from across Ontario and beyond, to find solutions and increase the wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples, in every aspect of their lives.

Our Vision

Active and healthy Indigenous peoples, families and communities in Ontario.


Our Mission

To enhance the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of Indigenous peoples in Ontario, through physical activity, recreation and sport activities.


Our Mandate

To develop and deliver sport and recreation opportunities for First Nations, Inuit and Metis youth and communities in Ontario, living on and off reserve, in rural and urban settings, which positively impact lives and increase wellbeing.


Our Values


  • Promote inclusiveness across generations (children, youth, adults, elders) and of all Indigenous peoples in Ontario, recognizing diversity across the province.
  • Recognize the need for strategies to address specific regions, such as the far north and urban centres.
  • Develop and maintain a sustainable and accountable Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body (P/TASB), representative of all Indigenous Peoples in Ontario.
  • Identify the importance of building leadership capacity, professional development, participation opportunities, collaboration and partnerships among Indigenous peoples.
  • Respecting traditional languages and the diversity of Indigenous languages across Ontario.

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Our Core Areas


  1. SPORT: Developing and delivering sport and recreation programming from grass roots to high performance, with an emphasis on lifelong physical activity and wellness through sport.
  2. LEADERSHIP: Developing and supporting leadership building and capacity, in youth, communities and organizations, through sport and recreation, for increased wellbeing, self-determination, and opportunity.
  3. COMMUNITY: Developing tailored strategies and approaches that are reflective of the unique needs and desires of all Indigenous communities and populations in Ontario, with an emphasis on cross-sector collaboration, knowledge sharing and access.
