The Community Sport Fund (CSF) is an initiative of ISWO’s Well Nation program. The program is intended to increase opportunities for participation in sport, recreation, and physical activity while building community capacity and decreasing behaviours that can have long-term negative consequences. The CSF supports projects that utilize sport as a positive agent to impact social change, helping to achieve social development outcomes in Indigenous communities. Proposals that outline how culturally grounded sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities will support overall wellness will be considered for funding.
The CSF is intended to make community sport, physical activity, and Indigenous approaches to wellness more accessible to people of all ages and abilities. ISWO encourages remote and rural communities where sport-related opportunities are fewer, and large urban Indigenous populations where low participation rates may exist, to apply.
The CSF is supported through contributions from the Government of Canada, under STREAM 1 of the Sport for Social Development in Indigenous Communities (SSDIC) initiative, administered by Sport Canada.